Scope of Qualifications Australian School of Remedial Therapies is a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) approved by ASQA to provide training delivery and assessment services for nationally accredited courses. National Training Provide No: 91113 22316VIC Advanced Diploma of Myotherapy HLT52015 – Diploma of Remedial Massage HLT52115 – Diploma of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Remedial Massage HLT42015 – Certificate IV in Massage Therapy
Training Location 18A Margaret Street, Strathfield NSW 2135
Code of Practice ASRT commits to observe the highest standards of fairness and professional practice as they deliver the services and obligations outlined in their respective contracts. At all times our priority is to assist clients to achieve the best outcomes. We will deliver services to clients to the best of our ability and with adherence to contracted requirements, and service guidelines. We operate our services in a manner that: 1. PROVISION OF TRAINING AND ASSESSMENT SERVICES
our organisation has written policies, procedures and management practices which maintain high professional standards in the delivery of training and assessment services and which safeguard the interests and welfare of participants and/or clients
our organisation maintains a learning environment that is conducive to the success of participants
our organisation has the capacity to deliver and assess the vocational qualifications for which it has been registered, provide adequate facilities and equipment, and use methods and materials appropriate to the learning and assessment needs of participants
our organisation monitors and assesses the performance and progress of its participants
our organisation ensures that teaching staff are not only suitably qualified and competent but are also sensitive to the cultural and learning needs of participants
our organisation ensures that assessments are conducted in a manner which meets the endorsed components of the accredited courses and/or relevant Training Package(s)
our organisation is committed to access and equity principles and processes in the delivery of its services
our organisation issues qualifications and statements of attainment to participants who meet the required outcomes of a qualification or unit of competency, in accordance with all appropriate national guidelines and our organisation acknowledges that qualifications are nationally recognised
our organisation uses the National Recognised Training (NRT) logo when issuing AQF qualifications and Statements of Attainments within our scope of registration.
our organisation markets and advertises its products and services in an ethical manner
our organisation gains written permission from a participant or client before using information about that individual or organisation in any marketing materials
our organisation accurately represents recognised training products and services to prospective participants and clients
our organisation ensures participants and clients are provided with full details of conditions in any contract arrangements with the organisation
no false or misleading comparisons are drawn with any other training organisation or qualification
our organisation only advertises AQF qualifications which are within our scope of registration.
our organisation has measures in place to protect fees paid in advance and to ensure that participants and clients receive a refund of fees for services not provided.
our organisation ensures that the contractual and financial relationship between the participant /client and the organisation is fully and properly documented and that copies of the documentation are made available to the participant.
5. PROVISION OF INFORMATION Our organisation supplies accurate, relevant and up-to-date information to prospective participants and clients covering, but not limited to:
Code of Practice of the Organisation
accreditation status of the course
client selection, enrolment and induction/orientation procedures
recognition of prior learning (RPL) arrangements
course information, including content, vocational outcomes, commencement date and duration
certification to be issued on completion or partial completion of the course of study
policies on assessment, grading, re-assessment
fees and charges, including refund policy and exemptions (where applicable)
appeals and complaints procedures
rights and responsibilities of participants are provided
conditions under which tuition may be terminated
client support, including external support ASRT has arranged for clients
provision for language, literacy and numeracy assessment
flexible learning and assessment procedures
welfare and guidance services
disciplinary procedures
staff responsibilities for access and equity
our organisation conducts recruitment of participants at all times in an ethical and responsible manner including assessing the education background of participants.
our organisation provides adequate protection for the health, safety and welfare of participant s which complies with State/Territory legislation and, without limiting the ordinary meaning of such expression; this includes adequate and appropriate support services in terms of academic and personal counseling.
our organisation ensures that participants and clients have access to a fair and equitable process for dealing with complaints and provides an avenue for participants to appeal against decisions which affect the participants progress
for this purpose, our organisation has a complaints policy and appropriate operational mechanisms which are made known to participants at the time of enrolment
where a complaint cannot be resolved internally, our organisation advises participants and clients of the appropriate body where they can seek further assistance
our organisation ensures that all appeals and complaints are documented and participants are given a written statement of outcomes.
our organisation keeps complete and accurate records of the attendance and progress of participant s, as well as financial records that reflect all fee payments, balances due, and refunds and provides copies of these records to participants on request.
our organisation seeks participants and clients satisfaction feedback and seeks to improve its services in accordance with this feedback.
Participants Rights and Responsibilities Participants in courses have both rights and responsibilities. Participant’s rights include the right to:
study in a course that meets both the current industry standards and accreditation requirements
be provided with information about the assessment requirements of the course at its commencement
have their training outcomes assessed and be provided with regular feedback on their progress
be treated fairly and respected by fellow participants and training staff
taught in an environment free from any form of discrimination and harassment
have their personal records kept private and secure, and only made available to authorised users
learn in a safe and supportive environment
The responsibilities of participants are as follows:
to manage their own learning and assessment requirements
to complete all assessments within set time periods (as applicable)
to treat all training staff and other participants with respect and fairness
to behave in a non-discriminatory and non harassing manner
to follow all health and safety procedures in the learning environment
not to enter into the learning environment whilst under the influence of alcohol or drugs
to advise staff of any changes to their personal details
to advise staff if they will be withdrawing from the course
1. Competence of Training Staff ASRT abides by the requirements of the Australian Skill Qualification Authority (ASQA) in the quality and standard of its training and assessment staff. All ASRT trainers and assessors have as a minimum the following:
Certificate IV in Training and assessment TAE40110
Hold the relevant qualification(s) to at least the level at which they will be training and assessing or are able to demonstrate vocational competency to at least the level being trained or assessed
Have the relevant industry experience in the areas for which they will be training and assessing
2. Enrolment, Recruitment and Selection All courses offered by ASRT will be advertised and promoted as widely as possible. These advertisements will clearly state the course name and any type of pre-requisites or selection criterion for enrolment. All enquiries for enrolment will be given full and equitable consideration. Where there are conditions of enrolment or pre-requisites applied to a course(s), these shall be clearly stated to the potential participants. Participants are required to complete an enrolment form prior to being considered for a place within a course(s). In certain situations some courses may have more participants wishing to enrol than there are available places. To ensure that you meet the selection criteria, state on the enrolment form your relevant skills, experience, interests and career plan. The selection criteria are based on:
your ability to complete the course
previous training and education
relevant work/life experience - paid or unpaid - full time, part-time, casual or voluntary
is the course relevant to your career plans
identified program prerequisites/priorities
Participants who have been accepted for a course will be notified as soon as possible about their enrolment. 3. Fees and Refunds Participants are required to pay course fees prior to the commencement of the course. All participants will be issued with a receipt for fees paid. All fees paid in advance will be entered into the ASRT financial management system and marked under a section defined as fees paid in advance. These fees will be held during the course and be made available should a refund be required. Should a participant be eligible for a refund it will be paid in accordance to the terms set out in the refund policy. Refund Guidelines Refunds will be made in the following circumstances:
ASRT cancels the course.
where the participants application for enrolment is refused ASRT agrees to refund all fees paid.
if a participant advises ASRT in writing, two weeks prior to the commencement of training that they are withdrawing from the course then ASRT will refund the full tuition fee. If a participant withdraws from the course within two weeks of commencement only 50% of fees will be refunded.
if only part of the course is cancelled, ASRT will only refund the portion of the tuition fee and materials fee applicable to that part of the course.
if in ASRT opinion, the participant would be unreasonably disadvantaged if not granted a refund, for example, a participant meets with a serious misadventure and is unable to continue their enrolment and then ASRT will refund the full tuition fee.
The following examples are indicative of appropriate circumstances for granting a refund:
extended hospitalisation or illness (two week period minimum) supported by a medical certificate and resulting in extended absence from training.
4. Qualification Recognition ASRT will recognise Qualifications and/or Statements of Attainment issued by all other Registered Training Organisations. ASRT may contact the issuing RTO to confirm the authenticity of the qualification. ASRT will grant the appropriate credit transfer for units of competency awarded under mutual recognition and readjust the participants training program as appropriate. 5. Participant Records All participant records are stored both in a hard copy and electronically for 2 years. A copy of the qualification and the transcript issued is kept electronically for 30 years. Access to your records is available on request. Where a request for a re-issue of a qualification is made an administration fee will be charged for that service.
There may be a cost involved in accessing your records once your course has been completed. 6. Flexible Learning ASRT is committed to providing its participants where possible flexible learning processes. This means that ASRT focuses on the learning rather than the teaching to provide the best possible outcome of the participants. Through this the participant will have much greater control over what, when and how they learn. Some of the flexible learning options available include:
the scheduling of the learning sessions at a variety of time
the provision of flexible learning and assessments for those with special needs
a variety of assessment methods and tools.
7. Assessments The training you will be undertaking is competency based. The competencies and assessment for your course are clearly stated to you at the beginning of the course. All ASRT trainers/assessors are bound by a code of practice to ensure assessments are valid, reliable, flexible and fair. The trainer/assessor will seek evidence to confirm achievement of the stated competencies in your course and more than one competency may be assessed at any given time. Participants and the trainer/assessor must be present for all planned assessment tasks, to be executed during the scheduled days of training. After successful completion of the course you will receive a certificate or statement of attainment for the appropriate units for the course. It is the trainer/assessor’s responsibility to ensure all participants receive the full scope of information, knowledge and tests required to complete their course successfully. The following types of assessment methods maybe utilized by ASRT during the course:
presentation / demonstration
illustrative program examples
specially developed example programs
project assignments
Assessments are not a stressful activity. They are conducted in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. Do not regard your assessment as an examination. Your trainer/assessor simply needs to know which competencies from the course you have mastered, and which competencies require further practice and the trainer/assessor will be flexible in the assessment method used. Access and Equity in Assesssment
all reasonable steps will be taken to ensure you will be given an equal opportunity to undertake the assessment.
you will be treated equitably regardless (for example) of your race, sex, marital status, age or sexual preference.
if there are any aspects of the assessment that are unclear and you are not certain about you should speak to the trainer/assessor
should you require a reasonable adjustment of the assessment due to a physical impairment you should discuss this with the trainer/assessor immediately.
Reasonable adjustments may include:
use of special equipment,
practicable extension of timelines
Assessment Feedback All assessment tasks undertaken will be assessed and you will be given feedback on your outcomes from these assessments. This feedback will be a constructive discussion and if you are found to be “Not Yet Competent” your assessor will explain to you why, and what you need to do to gain competency. Plagiarism You should always submit evidence of competency that has been created by you and only you. Plagiarism is not accepted by ASRT and where plagiarism is detected ASRT will assess the evidences as Not Yet Competent and further will counsel you on the requirement to submit your own evidences. Continued plagiarism will warrant disciplinary action. This could include being removed from the course. No refund is available to persons removed from the course for disciplinary action. Assessment Appeals An appeals and reassessment process is available to all participants in pursuit of either a nationally recognised qualification or Statement of Attainment. ASRT has an impartial appeals process available for all participants. If you wish to appeal the assessment result, you must first discuss the situation with your trainer/assessor. If you are not pleased with the results of the discussions and would like to proceed further and/or you do not wish to approach the trainer/assessor then a formal request will need to be made in writing outlining the reason(s) for the appeal. You will need to ensure you have reasonable grounds for the appeal, for example
unclear or inaccurate instructions by the assessor
you feel the assessor showed bias or treated you unfairly or inequitably
you were ill during the period of assessment and this can be substantiated
The Training Manager will take responsibility for implementing the formal Appeals Process and who will record the appeal into the appeals register and notify you in writing of receipt of the appeal. ASRT acceptance of re-assessment appeals is five days after you have been issued with the results of your initial assessment. Every effort is made to settle the appeal to both your’s and ASRT satisfaction. If the appeal is proven and a reassessment is required, ASRT will organise with you a date and time for the reassessment with another independent assessor. ASRT will meet the costs of this independent assessment. The results of the reassessment will be supplied to the Training Manager who will supply this information to you in writing. The results of the reassessment will be final. You will be provided with a written statement of the appeal outcomes, including reasons for the decision. Should the outcome of the appeal not be acceptable to you, you will be informed in writing, of the opportunity to lodge a complaint to the applicable State/Territory Registering Authority. 8. Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is a process that enables a person to have their competencies assessed against the competency standards of a Training Package. The onus is on you to provide sufficient authenticated evidence of your prior learning and current competence, the assessor can only assess the evidence you provide. It is therefore imperative that you familiarise yourself with the, unit(s) of competency, elements of competency and, the evidence guide applicable to each of the units for which you seek recognition. The process recognises that people learn and develop competence from different sources these could include but are not limited to,
Documentary evidence of training received within industry or educational institutions, e.g., statement of attainment or attendance at seminars
Evidence of work skills and knowledge that you have developed, e.g., job descriptions,
Evidence of relevant application of skills and knowledge to work experience, e.g., performance reviews & supervisor or client reports
Evidence of various life experiences that relate to the course
To apply for Recognition you need to request a consultation meeting to discuss the RPL process. Cost of Recognition
the initial consultation with the Training Manager is free.
a fee will be charged for assessing your portfolio.
the fee will vary according to the qualification being sought through Recognition.
You will be given a quote for the RPL assessment in writing prior to commencement
If you make a claim for RPL a number of things could happen:
you may be granted exemptions for some Units of Competency
you may be granted exemptions for all Units of Competency
you may not be granted any exemptions
9. Complaints and Appeals A complaint relates to any type of concern or problem pertaining to your work or course being undertaken which may be raised by either a member of staff or a participant. An appeal against an assessment result is not managed as a complaint but as an appeal as detailed at paragraph 7. ASRT will strive to establish a consistent atmosphere of trust and openness with participants so that any type of complaint is dealt with in a timely, constructive and effective manner. All complaints are considered serious and are dealt within two working days of receiving the said complaint. If you make any form of complaint you have the right to have an independent person or panel to act on your behalf or hear the complaint at any time or even to support you whilst the complaint or appeal is being resolved. You have the right to formally present your complaint. All complaints will be recorded in writing onto the Complaints Reporting and Action Form. All complaints outcomes will be communicated back in writing explaining the reason of decision and outcome. Any complaint raised that is proven to be made without foundation will be forwarded to ASRT CEO for action. Proven false complaints raised will be considered reason for removal of the participant(s) from the course. Should the outcome of the appeal not be acceptable to you, you will be informed, in writing, of the opportunity to lodge a complaint the applicable State Registering Authority – Community Justice Centre ( free service) or to the National Training Complaints Hotline 1800 000 674. The steps in the complaints and appeals process are: (a) Local Level Resolution Any participant with a complaint or appeal is encouraged to firstly raise the matter directly with the other party concerned. A meeting should be requested, by you, at which time the matter in dispute can be raised and a resolution sought. In other words, talk directly to the person you have a problem with, and try to sort the problem out between you. (b) Resolution by Trainer/Assessor Should the matter remain unresolved following (a) Local Level Resolution or should this be considered inappropriate, you are encouraged to contact your trainer/assessor, who will help to sort out a solution. This may be by means of a mediated discussion or by talking individually with each person involved in the dispute. (c) Resolution by the Training Manager Should the matter remain unresolved following (b) Resolution by Trainer/Assessor or should this be considered inappropriate, you are encouraged to contact the Training Manager for consideration and due intervention, as necessary, in order to reach an objective solution to the matter in dispute. If the trainer/assessor cannot find a suitable solution for you, or you are not comfortable involving them (for example, they may be the person you have an issue with), you may talk with the Training Manager about your concerns. The Training Manager will ask you to put your concerns in writing (using a Complaints Reporting and Action Form), will review and help to resolve your concerns and will give you a written response to your complaint explaining the outcome including the reason for the decision. (d) Resolution by Arbitration Should the matter remain unresolved the Training Manager will appoint an independent arbiter or panel to review the dispute and suggest an amicable solution. The cost of the arbitrator will be met by ASRT. (e) Appeals Process An appeals and reassessment process is an integral part of all training and assessment pathways leading to a nationally recognised qualification or Statement of Attainment under the Australian Qualification Framework and in accordance with the Australian Quality Training Framework. A fair and impartial appeals process is available to all students of ASRT. If a student wishes to appeal his/her assessment result, he/she must first discuss the issue with the trainer/assessor. If the student would like to proceed further with the request after discussions with the trainer/assessor a formal request is made in writing outlining the reason(s) for the appeal. (f) Grounds for Appeal An application for appeal will be considered where:
A student claims a disadvantage because the trainer did not provide a reasonable subject outline.
A student claims disadvantage because assessment requirements specified by the trainer were unreasonably or prejudicially applied to him or her.
A student is of the view that a clerical error has occurred in the documenting of the assessment outcome.
A student claims that there is a discrepancy between the practical observation and the formal assessment.
If the appeal for re-assessment is proven, ASRT will appoint an independent assessor who will make all necessary arrangements to conduct the re-assessment of the student at a time that is mutually convenient for all parties concerned. 10. Client Support, Welfare and Guidance Services Advise ASRT will endeavour to assist you with matters of concern. ASRT is committed to providing all its participants lifelong learning that will enhance their existing skill set. To this end ASRT will provide the following support services:
guidance with literacy and numeracy including basic skills, report writing and note-taking.
referral to relevant agencies which offer vocational counselling and advice
advice on possible services of Government support, e.g. Austudy, JET subsidy for single supporting parents, Centrelink.
making arrangements for additional one-to-one tuition and/or advice where possible between you and trainer/assessor.
The following contacts are provided for support of participants: Australian Tax Office 13 28 61 Creditline 02 9951 5544 Welfare Rights Centre 02 9211 5300 Ethnic Communities Council 02 9319 0288 NSW Government Info Service 02 9743 7200 Legal Aid Help Line 1800 806 913 Women's Legal Resource 02 9749 5533 Interpreting Services 13 14 50 If you would like more information about any additional support services please contact the ASRT office. Language, Literacy and Numeracy ASRT will carry out an initial assessment of a your language, literacy and numeracy (LL&N) skills by means of the completion of your enrolment form and any other LL&N test deemed necessary depending on the course you are enrolled in. This will provide ASRT an understanding of your LL&N skills and any assistance you may require. This is for the benefit of both parties. ASRT will also ask participants to come forward if they are aware that they require special assistance. When problems are identified, action is taken to assist the participant, action could include:
discussions between you and your trainer/assessor about your particular needs.
restructuring training delivery and assessment methods to suit your needs.
on-going support provided and progress monitored by you trainer/assessor, to ensure successful learning outcomes.
If you require further additional or specialist assistance, ASRT will refer you onto a specialised LLN service provider. All LLN issues are treated with understanding, discretion and confidentiality. 11. Legislation Privacy In accordance with the Privacy Amendment (Private Sector) Act 2000, ASRT is committed to protecting your privacy and your personal information. It is necessary for ASRT to collect personal information about you and does so by getting you to complete an enrolment form at your induction. The State Training Authority, NCVER and ASRT will use the information gathered for statistical and reporting purposes. It may also be used to claim State and/or Commonwealth Government funding for your training. We will not disclose, sell or pass on your personal details in any way other than the purposes stated without your consent. If at any stage your personal details change throughout the course of your training, inform your trainer/assessor so that your details can be amended, please use the Change of Circumstances Form. You have the right to access the personal information recorded at any time and provide any necessary corrections. Please contact your trainer/assessor if your circumstances have changed. A copy of our privacy policy is available upon request. Discrimination, Bullying, Victimisation and Harassment ASRT is committed to providing an environment for work and training that is free from discrimination, bullying, victimisation and/or harassment of any kind. Behaviour of this nature will not be tolerated in any form and will result in the immediate disciplinary action that may include expulsion from the course. This applies to both participants and ASRT staff members. ASRT Discrimination, Bullying and Harassment Policy is set in accordance with relevant state or territory anti-discrimination legislation. Discrimination, bullying, victimisation and harassment, is any treatment, directly or indirectly, of another person that causes that person distress or ill intent based on their:
racial authenticity
physical appearance or peculiarities
cultural background
sexual preference
social status
or any other aspect of their person or circumstance
If you witness any incident of discrimination, bullying, victimisation or harassment you are expected to report it to your trainer or the management of ASRT If you feel you have been discriminated against, bullied, victimised or harassed you should:
discuss the issue with your trainer or the management of ASRT
fill out an Incident Report Form
it is important that you come forward with any complaint you may have. This will ensure that your rights are protected and that other participants are also not subjected to the same discrimination, bullying, victimisation or harassing treatment
if you are not satisfied with the way in which your complaint was handled you may take it to an outside agency, such as the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission or the Anti-Discrimination Board
All complaints will be dealt with seriously and sympathetically. Confidentiality and privacy will be respected at all times. Access and Equity Policy ASRT, its staff, and its contracted staff are to adhere to the principles and practices of Equity in Education and Training. Participants will be individually interviewed and assessed on their eligibility for the service being provided. Selection will comply with equal opportunity legislation. Participants will not be denied access to services where they are deemed eligible for such a service and where the organisation has the appropriate resources to provide high quality services. Complaints procedures have been put in place to ensure any concerns during training are dealt with immediately and appropriately. ASRT and its staff will treat every participant fairly and without discrimination in the training environment and/or in the workplace. Staff and participants are bound by the Anti-discrimination Act, 1977, the Disability Services Act 1986, and the Affirmative Action (Equal Employment Opportunity for Women) Act, 1986. These are available free of charge on the WEB at Training services will be made available to all participants (and potential participants) regardless of race, gender, religion, age, marital status, physical or intellectual impairment, or sexual orientation. Support mechanisms are available to support the participant. In accordance with the Sex Discrimination Act, 1984, sexual harassment will not be accepted in the workplace, or in the training environment. Occupational Health and Safety Whilst participating in this course you are to take responsibility for your own health & safety and that of the equipment provided to you and also that of your fellow participants. You should ensure that you follow all guidelines related to the handling, repairing, lifting, operating and maintenance of any equipment you maybe required to use. You should also ensure you take regular breaks from the computer to avoid headaches, eyestrain or backache. Your trainer will inform you of ASRT occupational health and safety policy and requirements including the process of reporting a health and safety breach and injury reporting. As part of your course you will be trained in Occupational Health & Safety. This is a mandatory requirement of all nationally accredited Training Packages. The occupational health and safety training will last the entire length of your course and your trainer will at regular stages assess you in this area. Occupational Health & Safety Act The provisions of the relevant state OH&S Act cover every place of work in the relevant state. These provisions cover both self employed people and visitors as well as employees and employers. Employers must ensure the health, safety and welfare at work of their employees. Things employers must do to ensure this include:
providing or maintaining equipment and systems of work that are safe and without risks to health
making arrangements for ensuring the safe use, handling, storage and transport of equipment and substances
providing the information, instruction, training and supervision necessary to ensure the health and safety at work of employees
maintaining places of work under their control in a safe condition and providing and maintaining safe entrances and exits
making available adequate information about research and relevant tests of substances used at the place of work
employers must not require employees to pay for anything done or provided to meet specific requirements made under the Act or associated legislation
employees must take reasonable care of the health and safety of others. Employees must co-operate with their employers in their efforts to comply with occupational health and safety requirements.
No person must:
interfere with or misuse things provided for the health, safety or welfare of persons at work
obstruct attempts to give aide or attempts to prevent a serious risk to the health and safety of a person at work
refuse a reasonable request to assist in giving aid or preventing a risk to health and safety
you will find a copy of the relevant Occupational Health and Safety Act displayed in the workplace.
WorkCover inspectors are given inspection powers for the purpose of the Act, including the taking of samples, and the carrying out of a range of tests. Inspectors can be accompanied by an employee’s representative during an inspection, if requested.
Child Protection Legislation – Requirements Under the requirements of The Child Protection (Prohibited Employment) Act 1998 there are certain requirements that persons must meet when “working” with Children. Where a person wishes to “work” with or around Children this Act must be complied with. The Child Protection (Prohibited Employment) Act 1998 makes it an offence for a person convicted of a serious sex offence (a prohibited person) or a Registrable Person under the Child Protection (Offenders Registration) Act 2000 to apply for, undertake or remain in, child-related employment. It does not apply if an order from the Industrial Relations Commission or the Administrative Decisions Tribunal, declares that the Act does not apply to a particular person. Section 5 of the Child Protection (Prohibited Employment) Act 1998 defines a serious sex offence as an offence involving sexual activity or acts of indecency that was committed in NSW and that was punishable by penal servitude or imprisonment of 12 months or more even if the sentence was not served, or, an offence involving sexual activity or acts of indecency that was committed elsewhere and that would have been an offence punishable by penal servitude or imprisonment for 12 months or more if it had been committed in NSW. Child-related employment means any employment that primarily involves direct contact with children where that contact is not directly supervised. Section 1 of the Child Protection (Prohibited Employment) Act 1998 specifies that child-related employment is employment:
in schools or other educational institutions (not including universities)
Under this Act: (a) it is an offence for a prohibited person to apply for, undertake or remain in child-related employment (b) employers must ask existing employees, both paid and unpaid, and preferred applicants for employment to declare whether they are a prohibited person or not (c) all child-related employees must inform their employers if they are a ‘prohibited person’ or remove themselves from child-related employment. A prohibited person is someone who has been convicted of a serious sexual offence or, who has had a finding for a charge of serious sexual offence proven in court, even if a conviction was not recorded. (d) penalties are imposed for non compliance Child protection declaration, request, registration and consent forms are available from the Department of Education and Training. NSW Health Act There is no NSW legislation that pertains to massage therapy at the present. 12. Participant Conduct in Courses Attendance Attend the course every scheduled day. 90% minimum attendance required. You are also required to be on time for all classes and return from lunch and be ready to start as expected. Should you be absent for illness you will need to present a doctor's certificate the day you return. Prior consent for special absence due to extenuating circumstances may be granted. You should notify ASRT immediately in this case. Presentation You are entering a professional area. As such you are required to present yourself in a suitable manner at all times. E.g. thongs, singlets and short shorts are not considered as appropriate attire. A well-groomed appearance, neatly presented clothing appropriate to the workplace is expected. Behaviour It is important you are aware that certain types of behaviour will not be tolerated. You will not discriminate against any person because (for example) of their race, gender, sexual preference, background or religion. You are required to work in a team and as such will endeavour to participate and actively contribute in all group work. You will aim to be considerate of your trainers and other persons with whom you come in contact with and will make an effort to foster co-operative and supportive relationships with your colleagues. Mobile Phones Please switch off your mobile phone while in ASRT training venue. If you need to have your phone active please inform your trainer prior to the commencement of the day’s classes and switch it to a silent/vibrate mode. Under no circumstances shall video or audio recordings be made during training or clinical sessions unless permission has been granted by the College. Cleanliness You are required to clear up after yourself and wash up your own cups, etc. It is expected that you will ensure your class areas are left clean and tidy and any rubbish is placed into the bins provided. Smoking ASRT is a smoke free learning environment. As such you are not permitted to smoke inside the buildings. You are permitted to smoke outside the building. Disciplinary Process Disciplinary processes occur when the behaviour of a participant is deemed as unsatisfactory within the guidelines set by ASRT The Disciplinary process has three steps.
Where there is any breech in the expected behaviour, you will be firstly counselled by your Trainer/Assessor.
If the unsatisfactory behaviour continues then you will be counselled by ASRT CEO (or a designated supervisory person).
If the unsatisfactory behaviour continues then you will be considered for removal from the program.
13. Emergencies A copy of the Emergency Procedures in Case of Fire and Evacuation will be on display in the training area. If there is a fire on the premises you must follow the procedures below: SIGNAL: Tell the staff there is a fire The staff will call 000 if it is safe to do so and provide details:
name and address
location of fire
what is burning
staff person’s name
ensure no-one enters the fire area
evacuate all walking people first, wheel-chaired people, then staff
check all toilets, rooms, if it is safe to do so
everyone meet at a location designated on the wall chart displayed
take a roll call
meet the fire brigade when they arrive on site
You are required to follow any instructions given to you by the staff in the case of emergency.